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THCPO distillate | 0.5 - 10 g

THCPO distillate | 0.5 - 10 g

Regular price €29,99 EUR
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Brief introduction to THCPO

THCPO, also known as THC-O-Acetate, is a fascinating synthetic variant of the well-known tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This substance is a true marvel of modern chemistry! Imagine, through an innovative acetylation process, THC is converted into this super-potent form that pushes the boundaries of the conventional THC experience. THCPO is often referred to as the "spiritual" cousin of THC and is appreciated by many enthusiasts for its intense, almost psychedelic effects.

What is THCPO?

The most amazing thing about THCPO is that it has amazing potency - some reports suggest it could be up to three times stronger than its natural counterpart! This promises an intense experience that delves into the depths of consciousness and opens up a new dimension of high. It's an invitation to a world where the colors are more vivid, the sounds are clearer, and the feelings are more profound - an experience that is hard to achieve with traditional THC products.

When THCPO is mentioned, it speaks of ecstasy and heightened perceptions - it is truly an avant-garde player in the cannabinoid arena. Such a substance has the potential to revolutionize not only recreational use, but also scientific research and open up new avenues for medical use. However, as with any great discovery, it is crucial that we approach THCPO with reason and respect, respect the legal framework, and use its power with care.


We sell THCPO for scientific purposes only. The hypotheses described above should in no way be an invitation to consume this product. This product is not suitable for human consumption. We accept no liability for improper use.

THCPO distillate production

The creation of THCPO, a true jewel in the world of cannabinoids, is an act of amazing chemical alchemy! THC-O-Acetate, as it is also called, is created through an exciting transformation of Delta-9-THC, the star of cannabis compounds. It's a journey from nature to the laboratory that gives us an unprecedentedly powerful molecule!

Delta-9-THC is embraced with acetic anhydride in a process reminiscent of fine dining, but taking place in the sophisticated world of organic chemistry. These ingredients mingle and spark a reaction that is as complex and precise as an orchestra. In the process, the THC is not only altered, but transformed into something far more powerful - THCPO!


Are you looking for a way to expand your senses and explore new territory? "Buy THCPO" could be the keyword that sends you on an exciting journey. As more and more enthusiasts crave intense experiences, buying THCPO is emerging as a trend that promises to push the boundaries of the usual THC experience.

Before you type "buy THCPO" into your search engine, however, it is important to know about the properties, potency and legality of this unique cannabinoid. Anyone who wants to buy THCPO should be aware that this substance is a much stronger alternative to conventional THC and should therefore be treated with caution.

Requests are everywhere from thrill-seekers who want to buy THCPO to discover a new spectrum of sensory experiences. But buying THCPO is no ordinary purchase. It requires responsibility and a deep understanding of the substance. Before you take the plunge and buy THCPO, make sure you are buying from a reputable supplier with appropriate quality standards and a clear legal position regarding the sale and consumption of THCPO.

Buying THCPO could be more than just a purchase - it can be a milestone on the way to expanded personal awareness and self-exploration. However, health and safety should always be the priority. That's why it's essential to do your research before you "buy THCPO" and consume this substance.

"Buying THCPO" means diving into a world where research and exploration are paramount. Be aware that this is terrain that is new to many. By buying THCPO, you are choosing a path that can lead to the most amazing experiences - provided you proceed wisely.

A variety of products can be made from THCPO distillate.

For scientific purposes only.

Difference between THCPO and THCP?

Immerse yourself in the world of cannabinoids and discover THCPO and THCP, two different stars in the cannabis sky. THCPO, also known as THC-O-acetate, is a synthetic version of delta-9-THC with an acetate attached. This makes it more potent and ensures a long-lasting effect. It is only converted into its active, psychoactive form in the body.

THCP, on the other hand, is a natural cannabinoid that was only recently discovered and is characterized by a longer alkyl chain. This means that it binds more strongly to CB1 receptors and could therefore have a more intense effect than THC.


Both substances, THCPO and THCP, are considered novel cannabinoids that further deepen the traditional understanding of cannabis and its effects on the human body. Their role and potential in medical and therapeutic applications are subjects of great interest and research.

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